my profile

Justin Bryeans

I'm a full stack web developer with a background in non-profit leadership and team development. I focus on creating experiences that engage, enrich and facilitate flourishing for all, and am looking to join an innovative team where these experiences, as well as my ongoing quest to become the best developer possible, can be an asset.

about me

myers-briggs type


strengths finder top five

Strategic, Ideation, Connectedness, Futuristic, Positivity

enneagram type


A Brief Introduction
After growing up in Memphis, TN, a beautiful woman and the call westward were too much to resist. So after studying theology in Missouri and working among students in Montana I found myself at home in the great Pacific Northwest town of Spokane, WA. And that is where I continue to find myself at home, along with three growing boys, a spunky little girl and that same beautiful woman.
On Approaching Work
Those who know me are well aware of my fondness for the writing of author Wendell Berry. And as I think about work these words of his come to mind: "[All the ancient wisdom] tells us that work is necessary to us, as much a part of our condition as mortality; that good work is our salvation and our joy; that shoddy or dishonest or self-serving work is our curse and our doom." These words come to mind because they sum up a lot of how I think about work, and how I approach work. For work, good work, is indeed integral to who we are, and through it we have the opportunity to create a world that flourishes, that provides place and possibility for all people.
Things I'm Interested In
Exploring wild places. Travel. All things local (wherever I find myself). Learning to play the banjo. Reading. Film. Skiing. Creating experiences and applications for the common good.

technical skills

additional skills



( September 2016 - Present ) developer, team member & scrum master

A visibility and resource sharing mobile platform for refugees, allowing users to share everyday stories, request specific resources and be messaged. Simul aims to provide a safe space for people to share their experiences and connect with other refugees and the local and international communities. Simul's first person story platform hopes to raise awareness and understanding and to strengthen participation in relief efforts for the refugee crisis. Simul is built for both iOS and Android using React Native with a Ruby on Rails backend and a PostrgreSQL database. Simul implements internationalization and localization, meaning it can automatically detect a device's language and render the site in both Arabic and English accordingly.


( April 2016 - September 2016 ) learner

Dev Bootcamp is an immersive web development learning pathway that transforms beginners into full-stack web developers. The technical program consists of learning Ruby, Javascript, SQL, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, Sinatra, common Javascript libraries, and emphasizes big picture application and design practices such as object oriented programing, MVC architecture, test-driven development and Git workflow. Alongside of this, the entire experience is built upon a framework of emotional intelligence, pair programming and Dev Bootcamp's Engineering Empathy philosophy and practice.

Creole, Inc.

( May 2014 - Present ) board member

Piti Piti, an organization that I helped start (November 2011) that focused on land renewal and job creation in northern Haiti, merged with Creole Inc. in 2014. Creole Inc. is a “from-the-ground-up” effort that builds upon the Haitian concept of “kombit” well-known to all Haitians. The strategy is ultimately dedicated to agricultural and economic development. In Haiti, “kombit” is a word that captures the national concept describing a community of organized labor. It has a wide range of application and is typified by small properties among the mountains and by local farmers on the plains. Our vision is to establish a leading educational, agricultural, and business development organization in Northern Haiti.


( May 2012 - July 2014 ) creative

As a Creative, my primary role was that of instructor as I guided small groups in learning and helped individuals complete projects using a variety of Apple’s offerings. This role involved the regular use and development of technical, presentation and listening skills, as well as the ability to adjust my teaching style to the needs of whomever I was working with.

Kaleo Church

( July 2005 - Present ) co-pastor

Kaleo Church is a mission shaped community of Jesus followers located in Spokane, WA. Specifically, I serve as cultural architect and collaborator on the teaching team.

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